Chiropractor Lincoln NE Teresa Larson

Dahlia Red Light Body Contouring in Lincoln NE



See Full Offer Below - A $397 Value

Dahlia Red Light Body Contouring in Lincoln NE

Southwest Chiropractic Center PC
1501 Pine Lake Rd # 2
Lincoln, NE 68512



See Full Offer Below - A $397 Value

One 10-minute treatment is equal to burning 500 calories! (That's right, you can get the results of a 1 hour workout in only 10 minutes!!) Benefits Include:

  • Full Body Fat Loss

  • Reduces Cellulite

  • Anti-Aging

  • Decreases Inflammation

  • and More!

  • Full Body Fat Loss

  • Reduces Cellulite

  • Anti-Aging

  • Decreases Inflammation

  • and More!

We're excited to announce our revolutionary Dahlia Red Light Body Contouring Technology!

The $49 New Patient Special Offer Includes:

  • Dahlia Body Contouring Session: Full body sculpting treatment, lose inches and look great Fast & Easy! Slim away your stubborn areas in Lincoln NE!
  • Free Vibrational Therapy Session: Helps your body eliminate the liquified fat cells quicker, resulting in enhanced fat loss. This therapy makes a real difference in your appearance!
  • Free Complete Body Composition Scan: This analysis helps assess where you currently are and will help create a winning game plan to reach your fat loss goals!
  • Free Personalized Fat Loss Consultation: No two bodies are the same and each deserves personalized attention. This is why we will sit down and take the time to not only understand your goals but cover how to reach them as well! We use state of the art, medical grade red light technology
Chiropractor Lincoln NE Teresa Larson

DR. Teresa Larson, DC

  • Cellular Activity Stimulation

    • No Pain, No Surgery, No Downtime
    • Lose 1-2" in One Visit Guaranteed!!
    • 100% Money Back Guarantee!!
    • Nicknamed "The Miracle Light" by clients all throughout the US!

  • Benefits of RLT

    • Perfect for people wanting to LOSE 10+ pounds
    • Weight loss that WILL LAST
    • Stay thin YEAR ROUND
    • Constantly get compliments about how GOOD you look
    • Fit in that CUTE outfit again
    • Reach and KEEP your dream size

  • Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Dahlia?

Dahlia is a fat loss, pain reducing, healing treatment which targets stubborn fat in the abdomen, arms, legs, and face at the same time. It uses a non-invasive therapy to get the desired results which can be seen after just one session!

How Does It Work?

Dahlia emits red light to target the fat cells just under the skin. Dahlia stimulates the mitochondria of the fat cell which generates a signal that opens the transient pores of the cell wall resulting in a release of the contents of the cell; triglycerides, fatty acids, glycerol, and water. The fat cell deflates much like a balloon that is emptied.

Does It Hurt?

It does not! Many people will take a little nap as they get treatment because it is relaxing and warm.

When Will I See Results?

Most clients see results after the very first visit and that is why there is a 2 inch guarantee for your first treatment. Multiple sessions are generally recommended in order to see the drastic results desired but this can vary from person to person.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Once the fat has been released from the cell and exited the body it is gone. However, if bad habits (unhealthy eating, poor exercise etc.) persist new fat may be stored in the now depleted fat cells.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Everybody has a different starting point and goals to accomplish. A personalized fat loss program with the recommended number of sessions to achieve your desired goals will be discussed at your visit.

Are there any skin care benefits?

Dahlia also uses a Face Pad to help to reduce blemishes, wrinkles, and tightening of the face.

Are There Contraindications?

Contraindications include pregnancy, currently breastfeeding, active cancer, pacemaker, compromised liver or kidney function, and extreme light sensitivity.

$49 New Patient Special

Increase your quality of life (A $397 Value)